Your favorite songs from his greatest albums, together on one CD! The CD also includes four never-before released recordings. Listeners everywhere will love this hand-picked collection of inspirational songs! Songs inclue; His Hands, Never a Better Hero, Man in the Sun, White Dress, and more!
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Track List:
- His Hands
- Never a Better Hero
- Man in the Sun
- Eden’s Garden
- ‘arpenter’s Son
- White Dress
- Gethsemane
And many others!
Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration. Walk by his side as he grows in testimony, rejoices with angels, sorrows in tribulation, finds peace from the Savior and holds out faithful until death. My Servant Joseph Kenneth Copes landmark album, reminds us of the importance of the Prophet’s great mission.
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Track List:
- Birthright
- They Kingdom Come
- Learning for Myself
- My Servant Joseph
- Tiny Hands
- Founding Zion
- Go With Me
- Sleigh Ride
- Going As a Lamb
- Man of Sorrows
- Miraculous Nauvoo
- Brothers
- Tears Flowing Fast
- O Lord My God
- Why Must the Good Die/ Free At Last
- Come Follow Me
© 2000 Merge Right Music/Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
Assistance with Hebrew translation: D. Kelly Ogden
The Jews have a long standing tradition concerning a “secondary messianic figure” who will make his earthly appearance before the glorious coming of the Christ. They refer to him as “the Messiah son of (i.e., of the tribe of) Joseph (or Ephraim), whose coming precedes that of the Messiah, son of David, and who will die in combat with the enemies of God and Israel.” (Encyclopedia Judaica, volume 11, column 1411.)
ben Abraham son of Abraham
ben Yitzhak son of Isaac
ben Ya’akob son of Jacob
ebed nivkhar chosen servant
ben Yosef son of Joseph
ben Efraim son of Ephraim
navi kadosh l’Elohim holy prophet of God
l’daber b’ad Elohim to speak for God
2)Thy Kingdom Come
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“The spiritual powers [of the Church] have been not only corrupted . . . but absolutely destroyed . . . . Christianity has ceased to exist among those who should have preserved it.” (Martin Luther, 16th Century.)
“There is no . . . church on earth, nor any person qualified to administer any church ordinances; nor can there be until new apostles are sent by the Great Head of the Church for whose coming I am seeking.” (Roger Williams, 17th Century.)
“The religion builders have so distorted and deformed the doctrines of Jesus . . . . [I am] happy in the prospect of a restoration of primitive Christianity . . . .” (Thomas Jefferson, 18th Century.)
Hear us Lord, hear us Lord
God most holy, God of glory
Thou wast turned away
Men set in motion, truth’s erosion
Down to the latter day
O let Thy living voice be heard
Guide us Lord who love Thy word
Helper of man most willing
All of Thy words fulfilling
Father and Son – Thy kingdom come
Thou hast spoken (opened the heavens)
By Thy chosen, (angels and men)
Then Thy speaking ceased
Now this chaos (Lord have mercy)
Who will save us (Mercy Lord)
Lord we turn to Thee
Promises through prophets past
Assure that Thou wouldst send us
Prophets at the last
Thy will be done on earth by men
As is in heaven
Give us this day the heavenly Bread
Forgive our sin as Thou hast said
Speak once again
Let us be our Father’s daughters
And become our Father’s sons
Thy kingdom come
3)Learning For Myself
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“I [had] learned for myself . . . that a man who lacked wisdom might ask of God, and obtain . . . .” (Joseph Smith-History 1:20, 26.)
Younger and so unsure
Where could I turn to find my way
And the witness I thirsted for could I obtain
Then how it came to me
I heard the words of long ago
“Ask Him and you’ll receive”
And now I can say I know
I’m learning for myself
Trusting He will tell
Doubting no more
Learning for myself
There are those who deny my words
They refuse to believe that God will speak
But the voice they know not I’ve heard
I’ve felt His will for me
He is the surest way
To know of Him, go to Him
For He speaks to those who believe
And I believe
So He keeps leading me
I will knock at the door
And keep learning for myself
4)My Servant Joseph
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“Thus saith the Lord God . . . A choice seer will I raise up . . . and unto him will I give a commandment that he shall do a work for . . . his brethren. . . . And out of weakness shall he be made strong . . . . and his name shall be called Joseph, and it shall be after the name of his father; and . . . the thing which [I] the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation.” (JST Genesis 50:27-33; 2 Nephi 3:7-15.)
Hear the words of Christ, your Redeemer
He who liveth, He who was slain
The Lord Almighty
Whose ways will never change
I now come down from heaven
And call on thee to labor for my cause
Thou shalt be called a prophet and a seer
To lead my people, feed my sheep
Build up my Zion
Reveal the words I speak
That all who hear and hearken
(Hear and hearken)
Shall receive salvation from the Lord
My servant Joseph
Thy name is Joseph
Saints follow Joseph
My servant Joseph
The voice of the Lord is unto every nation
All must answer, none shall escape
Heed my disciples sent in these latter days
Make clear the way before me
I soon come to reign upon the earth
Look to Joseph, trust in Joseph
His name is Joseph
My servant Joseph
5)Tiny Hands
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“. . . I . . . beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven.” (D&C 137:10.)
“. . . pointing to the mother of a lifeless child, [the Prophet Joseph] said . . . ‘You will have the joy, the pleasure, and satisfaction of nurturing this child, after its resurrection, until it reaches the full stature of its spirit.” (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, pp. 454-56.)
Another pair of tiny hands
To lay beneath the clay
Slumbering little baby eyes
To wake another day
O God of heaven, come guard this bed
And let this angel sleep
Till earth is pure for tiny hands
And safe for tiny feet
A wondrous little baby smile
The hope of things to be
Born to face a troubled world
For a moment, and then set free
O God of heaven, take hate from man
Till lambs and lions feed
And make earth pure for tiny hands
And safe for tiny feet
Tiny hands
Angel hands
Perfect hands
Blameless hands
Lifeless hands resting in the night
Waiting for the light
When life will follow
O God of heaven, send Christ again
Bring in His reign of peace
Let earth turn pure
For tiny hands
And safe for tiny feet
Then give back my child to me
6)Founding Zion
Arrangement © 2000 Merge Right Music/Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
Music: Henry Tucker / Anon.
Text: William W. Phelps
“. . . it is after the Lord has built up Zion that He will appear in His glory. We all look for the appearing of . . . our Savior Jesus Christ, but we shall look in vain until Zion is built, for Zion is to be [His] dwelling place . . . when He comes.” (the Bishopric of Kirtland, History of the Church, Vol. 2, p. 516.)
“And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.” (Moses 7:18.)
Hosanna to those days ahead
The Savior’s second coming
When all the earth in glorious bloom
Affords the Saints a holy home
Like Adam-ondi-Ahman
Our blessed Zion
7)Go With Me
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“. . . God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what He will make known unto . . . even the least Saint . . . as fast as he is able to bear [it] . . . .” (History of the Church, vol. 3, p. 380.)
“. . . it is your privilege to purify yourselves and come up to the same glory, and see for yourselves, and know for yourselves. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 284.)
God begins again
To work His wonder from the clouds
Words of sleeping prophets
Rise as treasure from the ground
Messengers from heaven speak to man on earth
This man has heard
Knowledge long forgotten
Now is given Face to face
Light is bursting forth
And turning darkness into day
Man can know his Maker if only he’ll receive
This man has seen
Go with me to Cumorah
Go with me, hear the angels voice
Learn of truths taught now from heaven
And what’s soon to be
Go with me
Would to God that all
Could speak the mind and will of heaven
None would need be taught
To know the kingdom come again
Why will man not hearken
God can make you free
Why not believe
Go with me to the angels
Go with me, feel the hand of power
Hear the voice proclaim salvation
And restore the keys
Go with me
Go with me to living waters
Drink and bow the knee
Taste the love of heaven
Yes, come and see
Come and see
Go with me on to glory
Go with me through the heavenly gate
Find your place with saints and angels
In the world of peace, go with me
Go with me past the angels
Go with me to the throne of grace
To the presence of the Father
And to Jesus, come
Go with me, go with me
8)Sleigh Ride
© 2000 Merge Right Music/Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
Joseph rejoiced in the temporal earth God had created for humankind, “to please the eye and to gladden the heart…and to enliven the soul.” (D&C 59:18, 19.) He knew the long-term value of regularly “unstringing the bow.” At Kirtland, over the course of a few months, just before the temple’s dedication, Joseph mentioned in his history more than a dozen times something about sleigh riding. To quote a few: “Fine sleighing, and the snow yet falling” (History of the Church, Vol. 2, p. 323); “Had a fine ride—sleighing good, weather pleasant” (Ibid., p. 324); “Beautiful morning, indeed, and fine sleighing” (Ibid., p. 328); “. . . snow is still falling fast, and the prospect is fair for another run of sleighing . . . .” (Ibid., p. 406.)
9)Going As A Lamb
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music
“If thou art called to pass through tribulation . . . know thou . . . that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” (D&C 122:5-7.)
Tribulation for salvation
Lead me, Lord, to Thee
Why are they taking you again
Tearing you from my outstretched hands
Living hands that ease the burdens of your heart
Hands that ache for love when we’re apart
Will it never stop
Yet we’ve counted the cost
I am going as a lamb
(Joseph III)
Father, O Father
Why can’t you stay with us
Father, dear Father
Must they take you away from us
What will they do with you
Now the sword is drawn
And I can’t look on
I am going as a lamb
If they slay you Joseph
I am sure to die
Emma, give me words of consolation
For without you husband, I can’t live
Now my heart is broken
I won’t live
You must live
My grief can’t be spoken
Let heaven give comfort once again
I can’t live
Think of the children, you must live
Think of me
Lord be near
For salvation
Lead me, Lord, to Thee
So the day may come
That your work is done
And I’ll be going as a lamb
To die
10)Man Of Sorrows
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“The Son of Man hath descended below . . . all [things].” (D&C 122:8.)
“He [was] despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief . . .” (Mosiah 14:3.)
“. . . he [has suffered] pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind . . . . that his bowels may be filled with mercy, . . . that he may know . . . how to succor his people according to their infirmities.” (Alma 7:11-12.)
Man of sorrows, man of grief
First believed, then betrayed
Thou who knows me, Friend most sure
Man of counsel, help me to endure
King of mercy, Lord of love
Ease the way, calm the storm
I am hated for Thy sake
Come and rescue, Savior, don’t delay
Thou, dear Lord, has passed below it all
Felt all pain, every help withdrawn
That Thou may have mercy
Have mercy
Help me, come to me
Source of comfort, Prince of peace
Fear’s relief, faith’s reward
I am weary, used and worn
Dear Redeemer, heal and make me whole
Man of sorrows
Jesus, take me home
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
11)Miraculous Nauvoo
© 2000 Merge Right Music/Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
After escaping prison in Missouri and arriving in Illinois, it wasn’t long before Joseph began preparations for the founding of a city. The land chosen was “literally a wilderness . . . mostly covered with trees and bushes, and much of it so wet that it was with the utmost difficulty a footman could get through . . . so [unhealthy], very few could live there; but believing that it might become a [healthy] place by the blessing of heaven to the Saints . . . I considered it wisdom to make an attempt to build up a city.” (History of the Church, Vol. 3, p. 375) And so by channeling the water, a city began to grow from what had been an uninhabitable swamp. It was soon named Nauvoo, a Hebrew term, signifying a beautiful place. A city plat was drawn up, buildings began to appear, streets were leveled, and converts began to pour in from all over. The missionary effort had won many souls, especially in the British Isles. The Nauvoo Legion was formed and a local government was established appointing Joseph Smith as its mayor. The crowning jewel, however, would be the temple that began to rise at the top of the hill to the east. It wasn’t long before Nauvoo rivaled Chicago as the largest city in Illinois—this beautiful city of Joseph—miraculous Nauvoo.
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“. . . I could pray in my heart that all my brethren were like unto my beloved brother Hyrum, who possesses . . . the meekness and humility of Christ; and I love him with that love that is stronger than death . . . .” (History of the Church, vol. 2, p. 338.)
“. . . Brother Hyrum, what a faithful heart you have got! . . . [what] care you have had for my soul! O how many are the sorrows we have shared together; and again we find ourselves . . . [in the] hand of oppression.” (Ibid., vol. 5, pp. 107-08.)
“I advised my brother Hyrum to take his family . . . and go . . . . [for if we were] ever taken again, we [would] be massacred . . . . I want Hyrum to live . . . but he is determined not to leave me.” (Ibid., vol. 6, pp. 520, 546.)
We have shared so many sorrows
Been together through extremes
But I ask you now, dear brother
Part with me
’Cause I sense the greatest danger
And you’ve so much left to give
I want you to live
Now you know I’ll never leave you
And I trust in God to save
But if not, then I am ready for the grave
I’ve been true to you forever
And I’m not about to change
This brother stays
Brothers in name, brothers in heart
Never to fade, whether near or far
Brothers in life, brothers in death
We’ll stand by each other
My brother
Through now and the end
You shall not have want for friendship
There will be no need for care
For as long as you are living
I’ll be there
I’ll go with you into prison
I’ll go with you into death
Again and again
13)Tears Flowing Fast
© 2000, 1993 Merge Right Music & Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
Joseph’s farewell to Emma and their children was certainly not without emotion. Two day’s earlier, as he was leaving them intending to go away to the west, he had come out of the house unable to speak, his tears flowing fast. How must it have been now, when he sensed his death was imminent? His children clung to his clothes, while Emma wept at his side.
14)O Lord My God
© 2000, 1993 Merge Right Music & Mohrgüd Music
“A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief”—Text: James Montgomery; Music: George Coles
A thick air of gloom hung over Joseph and the others at the jail. They had been continually threatened with death since their arrival. And although the chance of returning to his family didn’t seem likely, Joseph found some measure of comfort, enjoying at this time the companionship of a few of his most intimate friends, including his older brother, Hyrum. On June 27th, as John Taylor sang “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” and the words, “if I for him would die?” echoed in that upstairs bedroom, what might have passed through Joseph’s mind? It is not hard to imagine him mentally preparing himself to do just that—die for his Savior. Jesus had, after all, set Joseph’s feet upon the path that eventually led him here. Some twenty-four years earlier, by His own voice and presence, the Son of God had conversed with Joseph in the grove. Since then, revelation after revelation came from that familiar voice, beginning with such words as, “Thus saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ . . . .” (D&C 38:1) Jesus was Joseph’s Lord—the God he had learned to obey. Joseph conversed with Him, received instructions from Him, worshipped Him, and knew Him intimately. It is therefore, no surprise that when gunfire began to fly around the prisoners like hail, and the work of murder commenced, the last words from the prophet’s lips were, “O Lord my God!” This was not a random cry of fear, such as the world uses, but most likely the beginning of an unspoken prayer, the substance of which we have yet to know. But Jesus knew, and was right there to take Joseph to Himself that he might, at last, be beyond the reach of his enemies.
15)Why Must The Good Die? / Free At Last
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
“. . . Why must the good perish, and the virtuous be destroyed? Why must God’s nobility, the salt of the earth, the most exalted of the human family fall victims to the cruel, fiendish hate of incarnate devils?” (John Taylor, Life of John Taylor, p. 141.)
“. . . when I . . . saw my murdered sons extended both at once before my eyes . . . I sank back, crying to the Lord in the agony of my soul, ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken this family!’ A voice replied, ‘I have taken them to myself, that they might have rest.’ . . . As . . . I arose again . . . [and looking] upon their peaceful, smiling countenances, I seemed almost to hear them say, ‘Mother, weep not for us, we have overcome the world by love; we carried to them the gospel, that their souls might be saved; they slew us for our testimony, and thus placed us beyond their power . . . ours is an eternal triumph.’” (Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, pp. 324-25.)
“He’s free; he’s free; the Prophet’s free! . . .
Beyond the reach of mobs and strife, . . .
He died; he died for those he loved . . .
[And] rests unharmed in endless life.”
(John Taylor, History of the Church, vol. 7, p. 334.)
Why must the good die
Why are they taken
Taken away, away
Taken away
Free at last, safe at last
Mobs and devils are now something of the past
Free at last, home at last
We have overcome by love
Given all that God has asked
That men’s souls might be saved
And for this we are slain
Yet in time we shall rise from the grave
Christ redeems, trust and see
Go with me to where God makes you free at last
Free at last
16)Come Follow Me
© 1993 Mohrgüd Music (BMI)
music by George Coles; words by Kenneth Cope
Additional lyrical ideas: John Nicholson (1839-1909), William Clayton (1814-1879), James Montgomery (1771-1854)
“[Jesus said], if thou wilt be perfect, . . . come and follow me.” (Matthew 19:21.)
“. . . follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (2 Nephi 31:12.)
“If you wish to go where God is, you must be like God . . . . Search your hearts, and see if you are like God. I have searched mine, and feel to repent of all my sins.” (History of the Church, vol. 4, p. 588.)
“The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs.” (Ibid., vol. 5, p. 24.)
“. . . you must enlarge your souls towards each other, if you would do like Jesus, and carry your fellow-creatures to Abraham’s bosom.” (Ibid., vol. 4, p. 606.)
“Come, follow me” the Savior said
Come do His will as Joseph did
He walked the path and made it straight
Kept Jesus’ word and saw His face
“Come, follow me” – that blessed phrase
It gives us hope for sinless days
That we though mortals here below
Can overcome through Christ, our Lord
Come, come ye Saints and make all well
Come choose the way of life and peace
Forsake the world and conquer self
And help the stranger in his need
Come live to fill the poor with food
The lost with hope, the sad with love
As Jesus showed, mere words won’t do
Our faith and deeds must be as one
Soon in a moment now unknown
The Savior comes to rule and reign
He’ll set the faithful on His throne
And send the wicked to their place
And when He calls thee by thy name
To ask if thou wast of Him ashamed
Thy deeds shall then thine answer be
How well thou heard “Come, follow me”
Come, follow me
Come, follow me