Happy Daze

Alex Boye has produced and exciting new solo project of original songs bringing back the old ‘Soul Power’ classic Motown-style revivals.

Click here to purchase

Track List:

  • Happy Daze
  • Crazy for You
  • Free the World
  • Good for Ya Babe

Beautiful Dawn

With their vivid harmonies and rhythmic tempos, Mercy River’s new release will delight fans! Featuring favorite hymns, popular inspirational songs, as well as original tunes, Beautiful Dawn will inspire gratitude and joy in every listener.

Click here to purchase album

Track List:

  • I will Be Ready Then
  • Beautiful Dawn
  • Hello Sunshine
  • We All Need Saving
  • Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  • I Belong
  • Nearer, My God, To Thee
  • All I Need
  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  • Echoes
  • For All You’ve Done


I Will Be Ready Then
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Time…races on
The world spins so fast
All I see is past
When…will it end
Is there more to climb
Am I out of time
Help my lamp light
Keep burning bright and pure
I will remain true to the faith
That when He comes again
I will be ready then


I will be ready then
When He comes again
I will be ready then
When He comes again
I’ll be ready then
Take…one day at a time
Keep my heart set close
To what matters most


Give…every chance that I get
Set the world aside
Leave it all behind
Help my lamp light
Keep burning bright and pure
I will remain true to the faith
That when He comes again
I will be ready then




Bright is the new day,
The sun is rising.
Help me to find someone in need,
Who’s crying for help, please send me…




Beautiful Dawn
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Take me to the breaking of a beautiful dawn
Take me to the place where we come from
Take me to the end so I can see the start
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart


Take me to the place where I don’t feel so small
Take me where I don’t need to stand so tall
Take me to the edge so I can fall apart
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart


Take me where love isn’t up for sale
Take me where our hearts are not so frail
Take me where the fire still owns its spark
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart


Teach me how to see when I close my eyes
Teach me to forgive and to apologize
Show me how to love in the darkest dark
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart


Take me where the angels are close at hand
Take me where the ocean meets the sky and the land
Show me to the wisdom of the evening star
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart


Take me to the place where I feel no shame
Take me where the courage doesn’t need a name
Learning how to cry is the hardest part
There’s only one way to mend a broken heart
Hello Sunshine
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Hello sunshine it’s been too long
since I felt your warmth upon my face
And how much have I missed
‘Cause I’ve been focused on everything wrong
This road just felt so long
I forgot to lift my head to see you


Oh my lovely shining for me
Let my eyes see all the beauty


Hello sunshine since the moment
That I felt your beautiful warmth
I knew that I’d do anything
To keep this feeling of you
My heart comes alive
Oh who could add a day to this life
By drowning every dark sky




Fill my dark skies
Make me see the light
Life is fine so bring in the sunshine


Whoa-oh let in the sunshine
Whoa-oh let in the sunshine
Whoa-oh let in the sunshine
Let in the sunshine
We All Need Saving
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Come on, come on
You have got to move on
This is not the you I know
This isn’t real
It’s just all you can feel
And that’s the way that feelings go
And whether or not it’s right or wrong you’ll do what you will do


When the cloud in the sky starts to pour
And your life is just a storm you’re braving
Don’t tell yourself you can’t lean on someone else
Cause we all need saving sometimes


Say what you will but the time that we fill
While we’re on the earth
Should not be alone
We were meant to be known
You make me what I’m worth
But I can’t keep you from yourself you’ll do what you will do




I don’t know why it has to be this way and
I don’t know the cure
But please believe someone else has felt this before


Come Thou Fount
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Come, Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love


Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I’m Come
And I Hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I Love
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above


Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wand’ring from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I Love
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above


O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, as a fetter
Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I Love
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above
I Belong
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Not angels, nor demons, no power on earth or heaven
Not distance, nor danger, no trouble now or ever
Nothing can take me from your great love
Forever this truth remains


I belong, I belong to you
I belong, I belong to you


Not hardship, nor hunger, no pain or depth of sorrow
Not weakness, nor failure, no broken dream or promise
Nothing can take me from your great love
Forever this truth remains




Forever and forever, I belong
Nothing can take me from your great love
Forever this truth remains


Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
E’en though it be a cross
That raiseth me
Still all my song shall be
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee


Though like the wanderer
The sun gone down
Darkness be over me
My rest a stone
Yet in my dreams I’d be
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee


There let the way appear
Steps unto heaven
All that thou sendest me
In mercy giv’n
Angels to beckon me
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
All I Need
From the album Beautiful Dawn


When the day is done
And there’s no one else around
While I’m lying here in bed
You’re in my heart, You’re in my head
You’re all I need, You’re all I need


There are a million voices
Calling out my name
But You’re the One I want to hear
So make the others disappear
You’re all I need, You’re all I need


You are all I need when I’m surrounded
You are all I need if I’m by myself
You fill me when I’m empty
There is nothing else
You’re all I need


When the morning comes
And Your mercy is renewed
There’s a fire in my bones
I’m not afraid to go alone
You’re all I need, You’re all I need


The sun on my face
I hear You whisper loud
You’re still the God that opens seas
Every flower, even me
You’re all I need, You’re all I need




I’m drawn to everything that You do
Nothing compares with You


My Heavenly Father Loves Me
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by


Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by a lilac tree
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me


He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things


He gave me my life, my mind, my heart
I thank him reverently
For all his creations of which I’m apart
Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me


He gave my life, my mind, my heart
I thank him reverently
For all his creations of which I’m apart
Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Long ago and faraway
You were held in another place
And you were whispered sweet words of peace
And you were wrapped in the Arms of Mercy
Soon you won’t remember those days
Soon you won’t recall His voice or His face
But baby, sometimes if you’re still…


You will hear echoes
Heavenly echoes
Reminding you of another time and place
Like waking from an old familiar dream
You will hear echoes


You may have feelings hard to understand
Like you’re a stranger in a foreign land
When your homesick spirit feels alone
Remember, remember this was not your first home




There may be times it seems
Heaven never happened
But baby, there will be angels
Waiting to send you




For All You’ve Done
From the album Beautiful Dawn


Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
Upon the hill our places trade
Stretched on a cross Your body crushed
By human hands You formed from dust


How wonderful Your mercy is
How awesome are Your ways
I come, I come
To worship You
For all You’ve done


Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
Your boundless love for me portrayed
With patience for my learning curve
By holding back what I deserve




Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
With everything at Your feet laid
I watch as all my cares erode
And from my soul these words explode





Be Still My Soul

In his latest offering, Be Still, My Soul: Classic Hymns and British Folk Songs, Alex shows us his gentler side. With simple yet sophisticated arrangements, he pours out his heart on classic hymns, as well as on a few of his favorite folk melodies from his homeland.

Click here to purchase

Track List:

  • There Is a Green Hill Far Away
  • Jesus, Lover of My Soul
  • I Know That My Redeemer Lives
  • I Need Thee Every Hour
  • Be Still, My Soul
  • How Great Thou Art
  • I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
  • All My Trials
  • Shenandoah
  • Danny Boy
  • Goin’ Home

Sacred Piano

Sacred Piano is a beautiful collection of peaceful piano compositions spanning the fifteen-year career of award-winning pianist Paul Cardall. His tender and delicate approach to playing the piano creates a spiritual atmosphere in any setting and has touched countless hearts all over the world.

Click here to purchase

Track List:

  • Unseen World
  • Redeemer
  • Live to Love
  • Gracie’s Theme
  • Sweet Escape
  • After the Storm
  • Come Thou Fount
  • Hope
  • Were You There?
  • Amazing Grace
  • Time
  • Voices
  • The Release
  • Embraced
  • Reverently, Quietly

If I Only Had Today

Hilary Weeks sings about life in such a way that listeners can relate. They remember what they already knew deep down, and find energy and excitement to face the day. Her latest release, If I Only Had Today, is no different.

Click here to purchase the album


Track List:

  • If I Only Had Today
  • Faultless
  • Just let me Cry
  • Tender Behind the Mercy
  • When You Least Expect It
  • Reaching
  • He Love Me
  • You Give
  • Now
  • Take Me There
  • It Would Never Be Enough



 “If I Only Had Today”
Hilary Weeks
It seems like I’ve watched a million sunsets
And stared at a thousand full moons
Sometimes it feels like I’ve been here forever
And sometimes it all feels brand new
I could never count the heartbeats
From the day I was born until now
But not a single one goes unnoticed
By Him who breathes life in me somehow
But if there were no more tomorrows
If I knew that I could not stay
I know how I’d spend every moment
If I only had today
I’d hold you and listen
And I’d let the dishes sit in the sink
I’d tell you I love you over and over
And for once I’d just let the phone ring
Then I’d remind you of forever
And how our love would never change
If I only had today
 I’d wake up before the sun did
And I’d watch as you quietly sleep
I’d pray for time to move slowly
Knowing the moment won’t keep 
All the gifts that Heaven has given
Every blessing that’s come my way
Wouldn’t mean anything without you
So if I only had today
 I’d hold you and listen
I’d memorize every detail of your face
I’d tell you I love you over and over
I wouldn’t let excuses get in the way
Then I’d remind you of forever
And how our love would never change
If I only had today
 There’s no time like the present
Life doesn’t come with any guarantees
The sun will set and time won’t wait
So while I have today
 I’ll hold you and listen
I’ll let the dishes sit in the sink
I’ll tell you I love you over and over
For once I’ll just let the phone ring
And I’ll remind you of forever
And how our love will never change
Because I have today
Hilary Weeks
When the sun sets and another day is over
I think about the person I wanna be
When I hold up a mirror to my life
Sometimes I don’t find who I was hoping to see
 I made mistakes today and I’ll probably make mistakes tomorrow
I couldn’t save myself no matter how I beg or borrow
I’m gonna need His grace
 On that day
On the day of grace
Through the Sinless One
My sins will be washed away
And I’ll stand worthy
Only because He stands by me
With mercy
And love without end
He will lift me
So I’ll never fall again
Then He’ll present me
Faultless before God
 If my sins were drops of water
And tried to hold them with my hands closed tight
Some would slip through right past my fingers
I couldn’t catch them all no matter how hard I tried
But there are hands that have my name forever written on them
The price was paid and not a single soul will be forgotten
As we receive His grace
On that day
On the day of grace
Through the Sinless One
My sins will be washed away
And I’ll stand worthy
Only because He stands by me
With mercy
And love without end
He will lift me
So I’ll never fall again
Then He’ll present me
Faultless before God
“Just Let Me Cry”
Hilary Weeks
I believe that everything happens for a reason
We’re not just tossed by the wind or left in the hands of fate
But sometimes life sends a storm that’s unexpected
And we’re forced to face our deepest pain
When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under
I dig my heels in deep and I fight to keep my ground
Still at times the hurt inside grows stronger
And there’s nothing I can do but let it out
Just let me cry
I know it’s hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn’t going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don’t ask when and don’t ask why
Just let me cry
When I agreed that God could put this heart inside me
I understood that there would be a chance that it would break
But I know He knows exactly how I’m feeling
And I know in time He’ll take the pain away
But for now
Just let me cry
I know it’s hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn’t going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don’t ask when and don’t ask why
Just let me cry
I have felt joy the kind that makes my heart want to sing
And so my tears are not a surrender
I know I feel that way again
But for now
For this moment
Just let me cry
I know it’s hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn’t going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don’t ask when and don’t ask why
Just let me cry
I believe that everything happens for a reason
“Tender Behind the Mercy”
Hilary Weeks
A candle sits in darkness
Until there burns a flame
And a river dry and barren
Must wait for the gift of rain
Like the river I have thirsted
He has filled my cup
Instead of just one tiny flame
He gives me the sun
He’s the tender behind the mercy
The unconditional in love
And when I need forgiveness
He’s the Redeeming in Son
More and more I see
He’s the tender behind the mercy
I’ve had moments in the spotlight
And days I’ve wished to hide
In sunshine or in the shadows
He is by my side
More than once I’ve added to the pain he bore in Gethsemane
Yet gentle as a morning breeze His love reaches out to me
(Carolyn Arends)
There’s a time I can recall
Four years old and three feet tall
Trying to touch the stars and the cookie jar
And both were out of reach
And later on in my high school
It seemed to me a little cruel
How the right words to say always seemed to stay
Just out of reach
Well I should not have thought it strange
That growing causes growing pains
‘Cause the more we learn the more we know
We don’t know anything
But still it seems a tragic fate
Living with this quiet ache
The constant strain for what remains
Just out of reach
We are reaching for the future
We are reaching for the past
And no matter what we have we reach for more
We are desperate to discover
What is just beyond our grasp
But maybe that’s what heaven is for
There are times I can’t forget
Dressed up in my Sunday best
Trying not to squirm and to maybe learn
A bit of what the teacher would teach
And later lying in the dark
I felt a stirring in my heart
And though I longed to see what could not be seen
I still believed
I guess I shouldn’t think it odd
Until we see the face of God
The yearning deep within us tells us
There’s more to come
So when we taste of the divine
It leaves us hungry every time
For one more taste of what awaits
When heaven’s gates are reached
Repeat chorus
I believe that’s what heaven is for
There’s a time I can recall
Four years old and three feet tall
Trying to touch the stars and the cookie jar
And both were out of reach
“He Loves Me”
Hilary Weeks
Don’t it seem sometimes like the world is falling
And you’re standing underneath
You’ll never get out from under it
Or at least that’s how it feels
With a load so heavy and the days so long
You can barely breathe
And the only thing that keeps you standing
Is getting on your knees
When I need that burden lifted
When my strength is gone
There is one thing
That keeps me holding on
Deeper than my heart can hide
Stronger than I feel inside
More than I realize
He loves me
Steady as the day goes by
Longer than the reach of time
Enough to give His life
He loves me
I have felt it in the darkest night
When He stayed with me till dawn
On the days when I’m too weak to walk
He carries me along
Above the noise and the clatter down deep in my soul
In the middle of my pain
He tells me I can make it
And He promises to stay
In a world where nothing’s certain
I can count on this
There is no love
No love truer than His
Hilary Weeks
I was blind
Walking in the dark
Until I saw your light
You opened my eyes and lit the path before me
And now I see
A heart of stone
Guarded by pain
Until I found your love
You broke down the walls, rebuilt the trust inside me
And now I feel
Abandoned and lost
Unsure of my worth
Until I felt your grace
On Calvary’s cross you gave your life to save me
And now I know
“Take Me There”
Hilary Weeks
There is a place where every tear drop that falls is counted
And every piece of the heart that’s been broken is put back together
A place where healing begins
And the hurting ends
Take me there
I’m ready to go
Cause I can’t carry this by myself anymore
Wrap me up
Hold me tight in Mercy’s arms
Let your sweet, sweet peace
Pour over me
And heal my soul
On the wings of this prayer
Take me there
There is a place where the past doesn’t cast any shadows
Where love fills the corners of the heart and little by little
Dreams dare to be dreamed again
Only broken know the way there
Cause they’ve walked Redemptions road
I need your name
I need your grace
Oh to lead to that place
Please take me to the place
Where you can heal my heart
Where you can heal my soul
Where you can heal me
“It Would Never Be Enough”
Hilary Weeks, Tyler Castleton, Lowell Alexander
If pen and paper could script God’s glory
And speak of His wondrous love
Every chapter ever written would never be enough
If words and music could fill the Heavens
And sing of His grace from above
Every chorus ever offered would never be enough
If all of our praises for ever more
Were each grain of sand on ten thousand shores
I would never be enough
If all the ages were but an instant
To worship and lift Him up
Countless lifetimes of endless moments
Would never be enough

Hilary at Time Out For Women

Hilary Weeks performing at a Time Out For Women event. This song is from Bedtime and Naptime cd/book combo pack about the blessings and joys that come with motherhood.

To Do List – Hilary Weeks

Hilary Weeks performing at a Time Out For Women event. This song is from Bedtime and Naptime cd/book combo pack about the blessings and joys that come with motherhood.

Living For Eden

Paul Cardall reflects on life’s journey and his own experiences in Living for Eden (2 Disc Set). Disc one features twelve upbeat, raw, emotional pop instrumentals, while disc two contains nothing but heartfelt piano solos tenderly performed on his own piano in the quiet and reflective moments at home. Expeience 90 minutes of beautiful music.

Click here to purchase

Track List:

Disc One

    (Music with his Band)

  1. Our Love
  2. A Peace of My Heart
  3. Early Monday
  4. Wasatch
  5. Late Afternoon
  6. Passing Time
  7. Living for Eden
  8. Searching
  9. Sunday Drive
  10. Hope
  11. Forgiven
  12. November

Disc Two

    (Music for Solo Piano)

  1. Return to Eden
  2. 1986
  3. Searching for Home
  4. Evening Falls
  5. Monday Morning
  6. Along the Wasatch
  7. More Hope
  8. April Skies
  9. Remember Our Love
  10. Sweet House of Prayer
  11. Twinkle Little Star
  12. 1987
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