Every Step

Some of Hilary Weeks’ best music yet, Every Step is packed full of the classic Hilary sound fans have come to love – with more energy than ever before.

Writing and singing new songs for Every Step, has taken her all the way to Nashville where she recorded and produced the album with Tyler Castleton and many other wildly talented musicians.

If you’re a Hilary Weeks fan, this is an album you won’t want to ignore.

Get it Now.

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Every Step

  • Date
  • Genres
    Christian & Gospel
  • Artists
    Hilary Weeks



Each of us has experienced circumstances in our lives when the only person we can turn to is God. Whether in times of greatest need or times when our hearts have been filled with gratitude for the blessings we have received and for the lessons we have learned, we have felt constrained to kneel before Him and express our desires, thanks and praise. These “prayer songs” comprise some of the most beautiful, powerful and dramatic ever written.

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  • Bring Him Home – From Les Miserables
  • Not Too Far From Here
  • He’s My Son
  • Not My Will
  • Savior Redeemer of My Soul
  • Better Than I
  • Joseph’s Lullaby
  • My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee
  • I have Seen Him
  • and More!

How Great Thou Art – Alex Boye

Alex explains why this hymn is his favorite Easter hymn. And how it helps him  to remember our Savior. This interview was provided by The Mormon Times


Bedtime and Naptime

It all started when Hilary Weeks decided to adapt the lyrics of the song “My Favorite Things” to capture her favorite things more accurately. High on the list of favorites came “bedtime and naptime,” but those were soon followed by all kinds of quotes, experiences, memories, insights, and even some fun recipes. In this joyful book for moms, Hilary shares many of those favorite things, including her famed “song parodies” on an accompanying CD.

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Track List:

  • Climb Every Mountain
  • Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
  • I Believe I Can Fly
  • To-Do List
  • My Favorite Things
  • Holy Cow Trail Stampede
  • Who You Are


Climb Ev’ry Mountain
Climb ev’ry mountain
Wash every load
If you’re alive and breathing
Then there are clothes to fold


Sort whites and colors
Wash some on hot
All my whites are pink now
Because of one red sock
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo – INTRO
Now, since we’re on the subject of theme songs, is anyone interesting in a theme song for teenagers? It seems to me that teenagers don’t listen very well because you can tell them things over and over and over and they just don’t get it. For instance, I have a teenage daughter and I I have told her more times than I can count, “Please clear off the bathroom counter. Before you go to school, put away the hairspray, the deodorant, the curling irons. Just put it all in the drawer.” And every time, she will say: “Ok, Mom. I totally will. That is no problem at all.” And then she goes to school and I walk by the bathroom and everything is still sitting there on the counter. So I have decided that we speak different languages. When I am speaking, this is what she hears:
Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
I am a teenager, so all I hear is
I Believe I Can Fly
I believe I can fly
And I will if you continue to cry
I’ve listened to you whine all day
Gonna start the minivan and drive away
Cuz my ears are gettin’ sore
You’ll see me running through that open door
And when daddy gets home
Tell him not to call my cell phone
Unless he’s made you dinner
And the dishes have been done
And you’ve been tucked into bed
With pajamas and a pull-up on
Otherwise I’ll run errands all night long
Or at least I will try
To- Do List
The alarm clock goes off. 
I feel like I’m dead.
I push snooze three times
Then I roll out of bed
The house is so quiet
The kids still asleep
I have time to myself
So I brush my teeth
Then I read my scriptures
And say my prayers
Heaven knows I’ll need help
Not to pull out my hair
I wish my whole day could be calm like this
But alas let the rat race begin
The kids all wake up
I help them get dressed
I do their hair then I make them breakfast
A healthy well balanced meal
I serve captain crunch and fruit loops
I pack them a lunch
I find shoes and socks
Just in time for the bus
I kiss them as they walk out the door
You might think I’d be lonely but there are two  more
I plop them in front of morning T.V.
It’s a small price to pay for my sanity
Then I exercise for 20 minutes
Shower, dress and do the dishes
Throw in a few loads of laundry
Vacuum the floor
Sweep the kitchen, dust the shelves
I really ought to hire help
Change a diaper, find my keys
Then head out the door
To Wal-Mart, Costco, Target, ShopKo,
Walgreens just to get a few things
Back in time for visit teaching
But that’s not all
Plan the budget pay the bills,
Clean up at least a dozen spills
Check my e-mail, write a blog,
Then call my best friend
Help with homework, drive to soccer
Make an appointment with the doctor
Plan a birthday, feed the dog,
Piano lessons
Send the friends home
Pick the kids up
Time for the dinner
I’ll order pizza
And when tomorrow comes I’ll do this all again
Then my husband comes home, and pulls something out of my hair
It’s a smushed cheerio; I didn’t know it was there
He gives me a hug in his sweet gentle way
And then he asks, “So, what did you do today?”
Just the usual
My Favorite Things
When I don’t constantly nag at my children
They just do their chores like sweeping the kitchen
When they put toilet paper back on the roll
It feels like I’ve witnessed a small miracle
Here’s a few more of my favorite things:
Bedtime and naptime and bedtime and naptime
Bedtime and naptime and bedtime and naptime
Did I mention it’s nice when the kids go to sleep
These are a few of my favorite things
When the kids fight
When my husband’s late
When I’m feeling sad
I open the freezer, pull out the ice cream
And then I don’t feel so bad
Who You Are
I know you wonder
If you’ll ever have a day
Where the kids stay calm, the laundry’s done
And the dishes are put away


And sometimes you feel like
Your days are spent and gone
And the question running through your mind
Is what have I gotten done
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day I know Father would say


Believe in what you’re doing
Believe in who you are
And hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God
Believe in who you’re becoming, believe in who you are


Now it might seem simple
All the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much
And there’s no one else like you


And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful
To be all you can be
Oh, if you could see what he sees


You’d believe in what you’re doing
You’d believe in who you are
So hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God
Believe in who you’re becoming, believe in who you are


And when it’s hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you’re beginning to doubt


That he believes in what you’re doing
He believes in who you are
So don’t lose sight of the truth that you’re a daughter of God
That he believes in who you’re becoming, He believes in who you are
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